General Infomation

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Regenerative medicine is a new field of medicine which aims to restore the normal function of human cells, tissues or organs that are either injured or non-functional due to age, disease or genetics by regenerating, replacing or engineering them. The use of stem cells as a tool in regenerative medicine offers remarkable potential in the regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

The hADSC and SVF provided by SBS can be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical trials.

About Stem Cells
Remarkable tool in generative medicine and generation of damaged issues

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.

Why bank your Stem Cells
Bank Your Stem Cells to Back Up your Health

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.

Our Method
Safe and Effective

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.

Human Adiposed Tissue Derived Stem Cell

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.

Tissue Specifical Cells
Tissue Specifical Cells Obtained from hADSCs

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.

Reference Links
Links for Your Reference

Most tissues and organ systems of the body have a resident pool of tissue-specific stem cells that are stimulated and mobilised in response to trauma or disease. However, in many cases either the quantity of mobilised stem cells is not sufficient or time to mobilisation is too long. As a result the endogenous stem cells fail to regenerate injured or diseased tissues.

Application of stem cells offers a remarkable tool in regenerative medicine and has potential in regeneration of damaged tissues. Transplantation of autologous stem cells constitute a remarkable supportive tool in regenerative medicine without rejection risk or immunogenic reactions.

hADSC and SVF may only be used as a transplant product within the framework of a valid marketing authorization or within the framework of controlled clinical studies.