Why Bank Your Stem Cells
You bank your stem cells to back-up your health. - Stem cells are central to regenerative medicine; fast growing branch of medicine.
- Adult stem cell banking provides the opportunity of benefiting from treatments offered by regenerative medicine.
- Many acute medical crises occur with little or no warning and have to be treated in a short window of time after the event.
- The process of isolation, separation, expansion of stem cells after the event can delay the treatment and as a result can reduce the efficacy of the treatment. Pre-stored stem cells that are ready for immediate use can be a preferred option.
- Your own cells transplanted to your own body (autologous transplantation) will not have the risk of rejection or immunogenic reaction.
- Stem cells get less potent and ineffective as you age. The younger you are the more potent and efficient are your stem cells.

- By banking your fat cells you preserve a source of younger cells for your future use.
- Many acute medical crises occur with little or no warning and have to be treated in a short window of time after the event.
- The younger the cells and those collected when you are healthy and banked are more potent than those called at later time or when you are not in healthy state.
- By banking your fat cells you guarantee that you will have a large number of your own stem cells whenever you need.
- Once you banked you will not need to go through the expense of liposuction again.
- If you are having liposuction, for any reason, do not waste the fat, which will be usually discarded by your physician, instead get it processed at Swiss Bioscience to isolate, expand and bank your stem cells.