Q & A
How long time does the procedure of lipoasposuction take for me? How many days do I need to be available?
The procedure itself requires two appointments. The first is a clinical consultation with a physician (30-60 min.). After your positive evaluation as a donor, the procedure of liposuction (fat harvest) and blood collection will be carried out in separate days. Each procedure will take a few hours. For both you need to visit our partner clinic in Zurich, Switzerland. Please, also take into account your travelling time to Zurich. You do not need to be present in our Company during the stem cell isolation.
Is the procedure painful?
The professional clinic personnel guided by a specialized physician (Aesthetic Surgeon) will choose the most optimal anaesthetic procedure for you. However, some discomfort may be felt and also some side effects of anaesthesia in the day of procedure may occur. Our partner clinic personnel will give you detailed information during consultation.
Will the liposuction change the shape of my body?
No. The required volume of adipose tissue (fat), which is about 250 ml is taken symmetrically, usually from abdominal part of the body by a specialized aesthetic surgeon. The intervention will almost not be visible.
Will the procedure leave any scars?
The only trace of the procedure will be a small puncture on both sides of the abdomen. The healing usually takes 1-2 weeks. The size of scars will make it hardly visible.
Can I combine the liposuction (fat harvest) with general aesthetic body surgery (bigger liposuction)?
Yes, if you wish to do so. Please note the time and price of the procedure may increase. Contact us for more information. Our partner clinic will evaluate an extent of the liposuction and provide you more details concerning the liposuction.
Can I bank my cells if I am under 18 years of age?
Unfortunately not. Due to juristic regulations in Switzerland we are not allowed to take stem cells from persons below the legal age.
Are my cells stored safely?
Yes. They are stored in temperature monitored gas phase liquid nitrogen tank equipped with temperature sensors and alarms. We also have a back up storage tanks and sample evacuation procedure in case of any technical problem.
Can I be qualified for liposuction as a hepatitis positive donor?
Unfortunately not. We reject infectious donors carrying hepatitis or any other infectious diseases.
What if I need my stem cells?
Your cells belong to you and we are just banking them for you, therefore, we will despatch your cells wherever in the World by a certified courier service under guaranteed transport conditions. However, the cells constitute an active pharmaceutical ingredient, not a product. Therefore, you need to be a part of any authorized clinical trial or destine your cells for further manufacturing procedure before treatment.
May I donate my stem cells if I take any medication?
In principle yes. Please, give detailed information about your current medication to the physician in our partner clinic. He will decide if there are any risks for you during procedure itself and we will evaluate possible difficulties during the extraction procedure itself. You can also send your medication list by email to us for compatibility evaluation.