A consultation with SBS’ collaborating surgeon is made to assesses your fitness for the procedure

Small volume of blood is collected by veno-puncture for a serology test.
This is to asses your health status.

A mini liposuction, to harvest some fat, is carried out in our collaborating clinic.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure (Houseman et al, 2002). This procedure happens only once.

Fat is transported to SBS laboratories in controlled environment.
A unique identification code is issued and attached to your material as soon as it arrives to SBS laboratories.

Fat is processed in SBS’ clean room to obtain the stromal vascular fraction (SVF)

Quality control and sterility tests are carried out on the SVF

Vials of SVF (2 million cells per vial) are cryopreserved

Part of SVF is purified by culturing and expansion to obtain hADSCs

Quality control and sterility tests are carried out on your hADSCs

Vials of expanded hADSCs (2 million cells per vial) are cryopreserved