Extracellular Vesicles (EVs)

  • EVs are small cargo-carrying vesicles released by cells into the extracellular space.
  • EVs are membrane bound particles packed with cytokines, regulatory proteins, DNA and RNAs.
  • EV load can be changed for specific purpose by pre-conditioning the stem cells.
  • Unlike live cells, EV-based products do not have the limitations of storage.
  • EV-based products can be stored as off-the-shelf products.
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic potentials of EVs are the subject of many research programs at many centres including ours..

SBS is currently involved in research on developing EV-based products for the treatment of Psoriasis, Antiageing, Arthritis, Chronic wounds.

Independent Publications about EVs:

Lin L. and Du L., The role of secreted factors in stem cells-mediated immune regulation. Cellular Immunology (2018) 326:24
Phan J et al. , Engineering mesenchymal stem cells to improve their exosome efficacy and yield for cell-free therapy. Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (2018) 7:1
Pomatto M. A. C. et al, Noncoding RNAs Carried by Extracellular Vesicles in Endocrine Diseases. International Journal of Endocrinology (2018) Article ID 4302096